Safety & Environment
RIPA & Associates | Safety Cycle | Screen, Train, Audit, Report & Evaluate, Adapt & Improve, Repeat.
Land Development
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The Importance of a Safe Work Environment

At RIPA & Associates, safety on the job has always been at the forefront of daily operations. RIPA is continually strengthening our commitment to safety through educational and training opportunities for our employees through RIPA University. In March 2022, Wayne Baxter joined RIPA as our Health & Safety Director.

Safety and compliance cycle


In partnership with HR, RIPA screens all applicants to insure each person is qualified and capable for work. RIPA is a Drug-Free Workplace.


Each newly hired individual receives an orientation which includes information on our Safety Policies. Hard hats & safety vests are issued to the new employee.


Worker Safety Training takes place in the classroom and out in the field. Weekly Safety meetings and on-going safety classes are given as needed.


Safety Audits are routinely performed to insure compliance with safety objectives. Awards are given to the safest operating crews and individuals. If there are any issues, they are noted and corrected.


What if something happens on the job? The safety team will insure the health & safety of the individual, then will carry out proper reporting and follow up. An investigation of incidents helps RIPA take corrective steps.


As new or better Safety procedures are discovered, RIPA will use them to constantly improve its program and safety record. It is our desire to stay on the cutting edge of construction safety.

safety and environment construction protection with two Ripa employees setting up tarp barrier in lake.

Sustainable Practices:

 RIPA promotes good health and safe work environments through management leadership and employee teamwork to insure safety compliance.

 RIPA provides appropriate and timely health & safety training to all associates throughout the company.

 Every employee is required to understand and adhere to all health & safety standards while doing their jobs. They are accountable to immediately report any environmental, workplace or safety hazards they observe.

 RIPA’s safety team constantly develops and improves its standard operating procedures to prevent, minimize or mitigate workplace and environmental hazards.

 Recognition and awards are periodically given to employees that advocate and demonstrate superior environmental, health and safety awareness in their daily work.


Safety and compliance practices during construction jobs.


Keeping Florida Green

The Environmental Protection Division of RIPA & Associates is a unique entity within our company that is dedicated to only one thing: the protection and preservation of Florida’s wetlands, waterways and natural resources.

We achieve this by establishing Environmental rules for each job. A few include: daily jobsite cleanup, constant monitoring and repair of erosion control devices, proper placement and safeguarding of fueling stations and approval of all dewatering methods.


Dotting the I’s and Crossing the T’s

RIPA takes compliance issues seriously. We employ our own Environmental Director who oversees other state qualified inspectors on his team. This highly trained and well led division of supervisors, inspectors and crews help insure that projects stay in compliance with all Local, State and Federal regulations.

In keeping with this commitment, RIPA & Associates requires its partner subcontractors and service providers to uphold and comply with all Environmental laws while working with RIPA.

RIPA & Associates crew members riding in tractor discussing safety and compliance.
Safety and compliance standards when working next to water.


Being Responsible Partners with the Land

Florida’s beautiful waterways, landscapes and varied ecosystems are constant reminders of the responsibility land developers and site contractors have in protecting the very resources that make this state a wonderful place to live. RIPA & Associates is proud to play a role in this quest by reducing waste, encouraging recycling and reuse of materials and being responsible partners with all Environmental agencies.

Read the RIPA & Associates Environmental Compliance Plan